1. What can QHHT help me with?
The short answer to this question is: Anything! QHHT is a holistic method of hypnosis which addresses any and all areas of your life.
2. How does QHHT work?
QHHT works by inducing you into the deepest state of trance possible: the Somnambulistic state. In this deep state of trance, the hypnotist (myself), can have a conversation directly with your Subconscious mind, and ask it questions to help you heal from and get guidance about whatever problems you’re having in life.
3. What is the "Subconscious mind"?
The Subconscious mind, even though we are largely unaware of it, is all-knowing. It is the part of your mind which records every single detail of your life. It can travel through time and space, and has access to information from anywhere in the universe.
4. Will I be able to see my past lives?
Yes! In a QHHT session, your Subconscious mind will show you a series of visions or memories that you need to see which often include visions from past lives and other dimensions.
5. How long is a typical QHHT session?
Usually 5-7 hours long; however, there is no official time limit.
6. Why are the sessions so long?
To address every area of your life in one session requires that we first discuss your entire life in great detail, and this process alone often takes 2-4 hours. The hypnosis itself takes about 2 hours because it takes a long time to induce a person into the deepest state of trance, which is the only state where the Subconscious can be accessed.
7. How often should I have a QHHT session?
Because the sessions are so in depth, most clients only ever need one session; however, QHHT is very safe, and there is no clinical maximum to the number of sessions you can have.
8. How will I feel after my session?
After your QHHT session, you will notice increased energy, confidence, love for yourself, mental clarity and peace within! QHHT is deeply physically, emotionally, and spiritually healing.
9. Will the session be recorded?
Yes! You will be provided with a private recording of your session.
10. Why is QHHT so much more effective than other types of hypnosis?
Other types of hypnosis don’t address the root problem, but QHHT does.
11. Can QHHT help me with smoking/addiction and weight loss?
Yes! QHHT will address any and all areas of your life.
12. What if I'm a skeptic?
Skeptics are welcome! QHHT works on skeptics too.
13. What if I don't think I can be hypnotized?
The state you go in when hypnotized is a very natural state that all humans go through between waking and sleep every day; because all people sleep and wake, all people can be hypnotized.